Brand:  Schwarzkopf


  • Situation

    got2b is a modern and cutting-edge brand of hair care products. got2b products are popular in Europe, though unknown in Ukraine.
    When the brand decided to conquer the Ukrainian market, the niche of beauty products was already well-formed and overcrowded with the competitors who have been carrying continuous communication on the TV and in the digital for years. They had by their side the awareness and the loyalty of the audience.
    And we were the unknown brand, and what is more, were working in the premium segment.

  • Task

    Before the start of the works, we have set the following goals:

    • to build awareness;
    • to increase the market share, minimizing the gap with the competitors.
  • Audience

    When we were studying and analyzing behavior of our audience – young people aged 16 to 25, we had an interesting insight – girls and boys color their hair not to surprise someone or stand out from the crowd, as our competitors said, but to express their inner state and mood at this very moment.
    And they prefer brands that enable them doing so.


So we decided to tell our audience:
“If you want to be excited – be, if you want to be relaxed – be, if you want to be eye-catching – be.
Whatever you feel like – BE THE WAY YOU ARE! And use got2b to express it”.
We wanted to get through the idea that:
Buying got2b, you buy not only a dye, a styling product or a dry shampoo, you buy a way to express you moods.

Communication strategy


Developing the communication, we singled out 7 moods — “crazy”, “sexy”, “shiny”, “lazy”, “easy”, “happy” and “bossy”.
We’ve “packed” every mood to the boxes, making a set of 4 cross-category products to express this mood.
Got2b is loud and daring, so the identity we developed for it was also bold and bright. Key elements of style: frame, big modern font and bright colors – they are aligned with major product of every state.


To begin with, we’ve sent the boxes to 7 Instagram bloggers who became our major communication channel as the most close and understandable channel for our target audience.
We’ve arranged, for the bloggers, a photo shoot and they became the spokespeople of the campaign “Be the way you are!”
During the campaign, the bloggers told and taught their followers on the ways to express their moods with our brand in a series of video and photo posts.
Later, the similar mood boxes appeared in the online stores:,,
The fact that with got2b you can express any side of yourself, we were telling with the targeted advertising in the social media, video and in the display advertising of the display network and events, most popular among the target audience.



The advertising campaign of got2b has shown that, despite availability of strong competitors, new brands can grow and develop, even in the niche segments and with small budgets.

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