Brand:  Prom



  • Over the 9 years of existence, Prom has evolved from an industrial site to a large-scale marketplace where you can buy everything – from a toothbrush to a track-type tractor.
    In 2017, the company decided to change its brand image from “industrial” to more “consumer” oriented one. Therefore, they updated a logo and corporate identity.

Design changes also affected the functionality of the website: page loading accelerated, the search engine and the algorithm for issuing goods were improved.


Many Ukrainians purchase on Prom. However, they often did not know that they were buying goods on our site.
They used the marketplace as a link between the search engine and the product.

We needed to fill this gap and to tell people that they purchase not just “on Google”, but EXACTLY ON PROM.


Our creative idea was based on the main feature of our product – a search algorithm that understands the user better and better with each new request.
This is how the arena of the future appeared. Each part of it was a request card, and all together – a single intelligent organism that foresees all needs and wants of the customer.

For the filming of such a large-scale project, we enlisted the support of directors from New York and one of the best post-production studios in Ukraine.

For digital formats, we shot categorical 10-second videos. For outdoor and banner ads, we made a series of photos of the heroes from the video with a request card. The product on the request card changed, depending on the placement.

The creative idea was also adapted for the markets of Belarus and Kazakhstan, where the marketplace called Deal and Satu, respectively.

First-year results

We achieved the main goal – people entered the site right away, bypassing the stage of “searching in Google”.
Direct visits to the home page grew by 178% during the campaign, and after its completion, they remained at 130%.
The bounce rate dropped from 46% to 43%.
After the end of the advertising campaign, it remained at a record low of 40%. It is the consequence of the delayed influence of advertising, which can change the effect in the long run.


The next step of communication was to increase brand awareness and to detach from other market players. And also, with the help of bright design and futuristic images to tell that the marketplace is the most convenient place to shop on the Internet. Prom is a helper for everyone. Here you can easily and quickly buy 90 million goods and services from more than 44 thousand sellers in Ukraine.

We went down from the fantastic arena to the city of Promopolis, where it is convenient and comfortable to live thanks to new technologies. You can order coffee or buy an umbrella in seconds: the barriers between the interface and the consumer were being erased.

In this wave, we highlighted the ease of shopping on Prom and a huge selection of goods from a variety of sellers.

And one more commercial:

To film the city of the future, we needed a suitable location: Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong or Singapore. As a result, Dubai turned out to be the most relevant. The entire city infrastructure is tailored for filming, as it is constantly taking place there. Also, many Ukrainians work in Dubai, so it was easy to find residents of Promopolis. We prepared for filming in Kyiv.

To drive specific categories, in particular: clothing, footwear, construction goods, school supplies, intimate goods, we additionally shot five 10-second videos about product offerings.


We have been communicating for Prom for two years.
During this time, the company entered the "100 Most Expensive Brands of Ukraine" rating by Novoye Vremya and confidently remains in the top of the largest e-commerce marketplaces in the country.

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