Brand:  Neoclima


In December, we started our cooperation with a new client – Neoclima company. It is the manufacturer of climate control equipment. But before rooting about insights and banging out the clips, we decided to get to know Neoclima better through the strategic session.

Strategic session

This is the two-way dialog between the team and the client, where we discuss the brand, the market and the competitors.

On the meeting, we’ve defined the key goals and pains of the brand. We’ve arrived to the conclusion that Neoclima makes cool air conditioners, with trendy features, design and attractive price. Though, on the background of its strong competitors with impressive knowledge, this company was simply invisible.

We’ve learned that only 30% of the Ukrainians have an air conditioner at their place, and the other 70% are to be addressed. Therefore, we needed to develop the message the audience would definitely remember and single Neoclima out from the other companies.


Having taken a deeper look into air conditioners, competitors and audience, we opted for three hypotheses:

1. Soft sleep
Air conditioners are guardians of your dreams. You don’t need to develop the ways to warm up or cool down anymore.

2. Antibacterial protection of your place
Air conditioners care for your health. They help killing bacteria and allergic agents. And moreover, it’s a must have for everyone who finds enduring heat a challenging task.

3. An all-year-round home weather control
We cannot affect the temperature outside. We can but put something on to make it warmer or take something off to otherwise. But weather inside is within our control. An air conditioner assists in making it the way you like it.

We’ve settled upon the last idea – people are not prepared to buy a conditioner to use it for one month in the year.


We’ve understood that Neoclima provides a superpower – an opportunity to control the weather at home throughout the year. Not only in August, but in December, March and November as well – 365 days, both cold and hot.

And this is possible because the company produces the inverter air conditioner type – the ones that can both cool you down and warm you up when it’s 30°C outside, and when your central heating is shut down again. And this is the message we wanted to convey to the people who still put the purchase of the conditioner off. And as it turned out, they are in the majority.


Who are the heroes to endure heat and stay cold in the apartment when the heating period is out? The ones who state that air conditioner is unnecessary but for one month a year. The ones who have an excuse for every excuse and a reason for every action. They are Anton, Misha and Yura.
From Kyiv, Mykolaiv and Bila Tserkva.
Is it your neighbor, or your husband, or maybe you?

People think that the air conditioner is intended for one summer month. And they can, at the very least, tough it out, sweat it out and country it out. But what if they realize that air conditioner can work all the year round?

We decided to address our people in simple terms. Simply to show what are invertor air conditioners like. In simple videos, with simple jokes. Neoclima is ready to blow up every excuse, no matter how persuasive it is. Because it works both during the heat and during the cold, so looking for excuses is simply ridiculous.
We’ve shot a series of videos on the excuse heroes and reckless warriors with home weather conditions - because enduring the August heat on the 9th floor of the concrete building is a feat of the true hero. The same as being persevering with cold radiators in November.



  • Client: Neoclima

  • Agency: Grape

      Aleksey Maksymenko – Creative Director
      Uliana Bohomolova – New Business Director
      Elena Holovatiuk – Strategy Director
      Valeria Troshchilo – Strategyst
      Ksenia Denga – Сreative Group Head
      Olya Tkachuk – Junior Creator
      Andrey Lubchik – Motion Designer
      Liza Baidachnaya – Designer
      Olha Boyandina – Account Director

  • Production: No Stars

      Directors – Eugene Gozheyshiy, Misha Zvegintsev
      1st AD – Sergey Kornienko
      DOP – Denis Lushchik
      Art Department – Ivan Cherevko
      Executive Producer – Ivan Krutous
      Producer – Kostya Galyko
      Assistant producer – Evelina Bialaja
      Stylist – Dina Golubeva
      POST PRODUCTION – Studio Animagrad

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